Creating a Positive Mindset: The Key to Overcoming Chaos and Scarcity.
Transforming Your Perspective and Attracting Abundance Through the Power of Positive Thinking.
Life can be tough at times, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed and negative during periods of chaos and scarcity. However, as Abraham Hicks teaches us, what we constantly think and feel is what we will attract. So, if we focus on fear and negativity, we will attract more of the same. On the other hand, if we can find positivity amidst the chaos, we can attract more positive experiences and outcomes.
Here are some ways to find positivity amidst a period of chaos and scarcity:
Practice gratitude - Abraham Hicks emphasizes the importance of gratitude in attracting positivity. By appreciating things and perceiving the good in all situations, we are able to shift from the rock bottom, leaving all the feelings that doesn’t align with what we want. Take some time each day to focus on the things in your life that you're grateful for, no matter how small they may seem. This can help shift your focus from scarcity and fear to abundance and trust.
Focus on what you want, not what you don't want - When we focus on what we don't want, we attract more of the same. Instead, focus on what you do want, and visualize yourself achieving it. This can help you attract positive outcomes and experiences. Even though it seems really hard to be done, once you do, there’s no way back. In the worst case scenario, if you change the way you look and react to it, consequently you will change how it looks in a blink of an eye. Just know it’s done, keep the feeling, knowing that what you want is already here, don’t worry about the how. Keep the affirmation “everything is always working out for me”, and really fell how it would be if you already attracted the thing or situation you want to experience, by feeling how you would feel if they did.
Release resistance - Often, we resist the things we fear or don't want, which can create more of the same. Instead, try to release that resistance and accept the situation for what it is. This can help you find solutions and attract more positive experiences. Be in a receiving energy, now that you are a magnet for whatever you want. Just because you know that if it’s a desire, it’s already yours.
Surround yourself with positivity - Surrounding yourself with positive people, uplifting messages, and inspiring content can help you maintain a positive mindset during challenging times.
Take inspired action - Once you've shifted your mindset to a more positive place, take inspired action towards your goals. This can help you attract even more positivity and abundance into your life. Remember, if you are in a higher vibration, you will attract more that is aligned with the same frequency you are vibrating. That’s why it is so important to be present and understand what you are feeling and thinking in order to switch if necessary.
It's important to remember that finding positivity during a period of chaos and scarcity doesn't mean ignoring or denying the challenges you're facing. Rather, it's about shifting your mindset and energy to attract positive outcomes and experiences. As Abraham Hicks teaches us, what we constantly think and feel is what we will attract. Something really helpful to understand is that, everything that we are experiencing right now, is a reflection of our previous thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and in order to change your 3D (your current reality), you need to change the way you think, feel and believe. So, focus on positivity and abundance, and you may be surprised at the positive changes that come your way.